> The concept of a 100m by 100 metre grid blocks for even some
> areas in
> a continent the size of Australia needs some careful thought, for
> a
> moment at least.
Unless Birds Australia is planning on selling/dispensing large numbers
of GPS units, it would indeed be unreasonable to expect many atlassers
to locate records within a 100 x 100 ha grid. Maps are frequently
inaccurate in their location of useable landmarks such as road and track
junctions, much of the continent is a bit 'light on' for topographical
landmarks (e.g. hills), and in heavily forested areas navigation can
often be rather generalised due to line-of-sight visibility problems.
No doubt delegates to the workshop will arrive at a compromise between
what would be the absolute ideal level of detail, and what can
realistically be achieved by a mixed bunch of full-time & part-time
birders (with varying levels of technical support).
Lawrie Conole
58 Holden Street, Fitzroy North 3068 Victoria, AUSTRALIA
Phone AH (03) 9486 4575
Ph Mob (0419) 588 993
Email <>