I don't know whether this signals the commencement of migration, or
post-breeding dispersal, but this week I had a juvenile black-faced monarch
in the tree next to my dining-room window. This is the first time I've
seen the species in this immediate vicinity. I live on a small inner
suburban block less than 1km from the CBD in Ipswich, Qld, opposite a
rather degraded environmental park and recreation reserve. Directly
opposite my house is a narrow gully (part of the park) which is heavily
wooded with both native and introduced flora.
I have listed 82 species for this immediate area so far, including a
(presumably migrating) satin flycatcher in November 91, and a small flock
of plum-headed finches during a drought period in July 92.
I was also quite chuffed to see and hear a pair of Eastern Whipbirds in my
backyard the same day as the monarch.
Vicki PS
Vicki Parslow Stafford | "Oh, many a Cup of this
Ipswich, Qld, Australia | forbidden Wine must drown
Email | the memory of that
Ph/fax +61 7 3281 5010 | insolence!"