Some interesting sightings from this area over the past few days:
1. A raft of 38 Musk Ducks on the Blackwood River estuary at Augusta (a
quite sizeable gathering, particularly on a tidal estuary?).
2. Numerous Bridled Tern at both Cosy Corner and Hamelin Island (near
the southern limit of their distribution).
3. A Greater Sand Plover at Kilcarnup Beach (approx 1 km north of the
mouth of the Margaret River) (uncommon this far south).
4. The pair of Hooded Plover which we see every Christmas on Kilcarnup
Beach sighted again - but with no evidence of chicks this year.
5. The pair of Osprey associated with a long-lived nest on a stack off
the southern cliffs of Cape Mentelle present as usual - but no chicks seen.
6. A pair of Banded Lapwing with 2 chicks near a small wetland on
private farmland on the Kilcarnup "road" (with 5 Yellow-billed Spoonbill
working across the wetland).
A pleasant way to spend Christmas/New Year? It's not so surprising that we
return here each year.
Richard Nowotny
From: Dr Richard Nowotny
Melbourne, Australia
Tel. (w) 61-3-9214.1420