I am glad to see Richard enjoying his holiday in our great state and
especially interested to hear of the red-capped plover nesting at Margaret
River. Waders are now starting their annual invasion and our shores and
wetlands are covered in a living carpet of birds. Some recent sightings of
interest from my expeditions around Perth are listed below for your interest:
Alfred Cove (a protected wader site on the Swan River, with extensive areas
of mudflats):
Pied Oystercatchers (7)
Red-capped Plover
Grey Teal
Black Swan
Banded Stilt
Black-winged Stilt
Bibra Lake (in the southern suburbs of Perth):
Straw-necked Ibis (uncommon in Perth)
Banded and Black-winged Stilts
Black-fronted dotterel
Red-capped Plover
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
100+ Hoary-headed grebes
Australasian Shoveller
Buff-banded Rail (always a good twitch!)
Clamarous Reed Warbler
Whistling Kite
Woodmans Point (a prominent coastal headland south of Fremantle)
Red Knot (2)
Marsh Sandpiper (not certain of this one)
Red-capped Plover
Crested Tern
Fairy Tern (2)
Caspian Tern