Me again.
During the First Golden Age of birding in Australia the late John
McKean had badges made up with the tallies 600 and 650 printed on
them. They signify that one had seen 600 or 650 birds in Australia,
and feature a grasswren and a jaeger (I forget which), respectively.
I have had these badges in my possession since I acquired the remains
of the 600 Club (as it was known), and although most birders out there
probably have them both, there may be a few still who don't.
If you want one or other or both, they're yours for the asking. Just
send a SAE to me at:
PO Box 9, World Trade Centre, Melbourne, Vic 3005.
I also have a swag of badges with 1200 printed on them and a Blue BOP
(bird of paradise). I think these signify that the bearer has seen
1200 species between Oz and PNG. So far as I know the two or three
birders who fall into this category all have a badge to show for it,
but if anyone else has ambitions, you may want one of these also.
Come and get 'em!
Many thanks,
David Andrew