Hi, everyone. The latest Birds Australia Parrot Association newsletter,
Eclectus 3, has just been issued. For your information, a list of the contents:
Brown, Peter. Editorial. 3.
Riley, Jon. The Red and Blue Lory, Eos histrio. 4-14.
Greene, Terry. The Kaka research program. 14-17.
Menkhorst, Peter. Trial release of captive-bred Orange-bellied Parrots in
Victoria, July-October 1996. 17-21.
Mawson, Peter. A captive breeding program for Carnaby's Cockatoo,
Calyptorhynchus latirostris. 21-23.
Isles, Andrew. The Paradise Parrot: 70 years on. 24-26.
Blyth, John; & Burbidge, Allan. What do we know about the Princess Parrot,
Polytelis alexandrae. 26-29.
Lamont, David. Rainbow Lorikeets: an avian weed in the West. 30-34.
Johnstone, Ron E. Current studies on three endemic Western Australian
cockatoos. 34-35.
Anon. Birds Australia Parrot Association Strategic Plan - 1997-2001
(draft). 35-37.
Garnett, Stephen; & Crowley, Gabriel. A draft Action Plan for Australasian
Parrots. 37-39.
Jarrett, Mark. Evidence of lead toxicity in wild Kea, Nestor notabilis.
Romer, Liz; & Gynther, Ian. Coxen's Fig-Parrot recovery program. 40-43.
Springall, Rom. BAPA and the Internet. 43-44.
Them, Peter H. Parrot watching in Papua New Guinea. 44-46.
Shedley, Erica. Parrot damage in Tasmanian Bluegum plantations. 47-49.
Macwhirter, Patricia; & Ambrose, Stephen. Introduction of exotic avian
diseases through legal importation. 50-52.
Raidal, Shane. Psittacine Circoviral Disease. 53.
Ingram, Glen. Obituary: Christine Cannon 1945-1997. 53-54.
Dreyer, Niels Poul. Brief notes on some parrots seen in the Solomon
Islands. 54-55.
Anon. The evolution of the Pumped-up Corella. 55.
Notice. The Birds Australia Parrot Association Expedition: Iron Range,
Queensland. 56.
Notice. Exotic Bird Expedition: Parrots and Birds of Paradise in Papua New
Guinea. 56-57.
Garnett, Stephen. Book Reviews: The Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight Field
Guide to the Birds of Australia, by Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight. Zoological
Catalogue of Australia Vol.37.2, Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae), by
R.Schodde & I.J.Mason. Wildlife Crime Policy and the Law: an Australian
study, by Don McDowell. 57-58.
Garnett, Stephen; & Phillipps, Hugo. (Compilers). Recent literature. 58-62.
As you can see, the authors include some BIRDING-AUS regulars. For
subscription info: <>; for other info, call me.
Cheers, Hugo.
BAPA Liaison Officer
Hugo Phillipps,
Birds Australia Conservation & Liaison,
Australian Bird Research Centre,
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, Australia.
Tel: (03) 9882 2622. Fax: (03) 9882 2677.
o/s: +61 3 9882 2622. Fax: +61 3 9882 2677.
Email: <>
Web Homepage: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~birdsaus