The ibis/egret and flying fox colony on the south bank of the Ross River -
less than 5km from the city centre, has been particularly spectacular lately.
The usual 10 - 30,000 Black Flying Foxes have been joined by approx 80,000
Little Reds.
Between 5 and 7.00pm about 2,000 ibis, mostly White but some Straw-necks and
the occasional flock of Glossies, 1400 Cattle Egrets as well as small numbers
of Great, Intermediate and Little Egrets return to roost in the mangroves.
Just on dusk the flying foxes take off, the Little Reds in a definite 'stream'
and the Blacks about 10 minutes later, more randomly. I've had both species in
my garden lately. The Little Reds prefer the eucalypt blossom while the Blacks
raid the mango tree.
The ibis are here all year round but the Cattle Egrets arrive in October and
leave by the end of March. Every year sees an increase in their numbers. Does
anyone know if there are other colonies anywhere in Australia with both birds
and flying foxes?
Jo Wieneke