Dear Experts,
I have this bird that sings outside near my bed-sit (end of Glebe
Point Road) only about 20 minutes at the absolute break of day (street
lights still on, 5 - 5:15 this AM) and at no other time with this
distinctive tank-tank-tank-tank call repeated 4 or 5 times, a monotonous
but loud call, and is driving me bonkers to ID. I have watched it a couple
of mornings: it sits and calls conspicuously on the dead branch at the top
of the tree across the road but it is too dark to see many details. It
looks like a largish honeycreeper with some white on the head and maybe a
chest red (?) patch. And it sometimes flutters its wings between calling.
Anybody with a clue?
Thanks again to the group! Harriette
Harriette L. Phelps
Department of Anatomy and Histology F13
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
Ph. 61-2-9351-2841
Fax 61-2-9351-2813