Shane Raidal wrote:This level of perceived human interference
> of a biological system should not be considered undesirable since many such
> bird injuries are attributable to human activity (eg. motor vehicle
> injuries etc).
--I concur. My personal philosophy towards wildlife rescue organisations
(of which I am a member) is
1. We study how best to attend the needs of the animal (including
euthanasia as an option)
2. We perform a service to the public, who are often extremely
distressed at not knowing how to help "their" rescue and equally
relieved to hand it to someone who does.
3. By gaining experience/expertise with non-threatened species we may
one day be in a position to help the survival of a threatened or
endangered species.
Thanks to those who responded to my RFI on Apostlebirds. One person has
given me another contact to follow up and a second recommends release
a.s.a.p. (based on knowledge of Moorhen society) I'm still interested in
any further input that may be forthcoming.
Regards, Anne
Atriplex Services:-Environmental Consultants,
Growers of Australian Native Plants,Landscapers, Bush Guides,Educators.