Sorry to keep on about furries, but ever since I went to Cairns in January
I've been trying to identify a possum type thing I saw whilst spotlighting
on the Cairns Bot. Gardens Boardwalk.
The other day I was flicking through another mammal book and sudeenly it
occurred to me that the animal I saw was a dead ringer for a Grey Cuscus, an
animal I hadn't considered before.
Problem, according to the books I've consulted the cuscus is only found on
the eastern side of Cape York and doesn't get anywhere near Cairns. Is this
true, or is there perhaps a feral population in Cairns, from abandoned pets:-)
Dr John Leonard
PO Box 243, Woden,
'... after only twenty years in existence much of the
environmental movement has taken on the form of just
another corporation or interest group. Their interest may
be disinterest, but their methods are one with the rational
élites and are therefore limited to the details of corporate life.
[They] ... are attempting to justify restraint and a common-
sense approach to self-respect with the use of intellectual
tools designed to eliminate both.' John Ralston Saul