In the last couple of months I have noticed a few species outside their
normal ranges, possibly due to the recent dry weather (not saying drought
yet) experienced lately. It is predicted that the El Nino will cause lower
than average rainfall in south-eastern Australia over the following months
so it will be interesting to observe the effects on birds. It would be
interesting to know if any other subscribers have observed birds outside
their normal ranges in response to the dry weather. Here is a list of all
birds I consider (some may not be) observed outside their normal range in
regards to the dry weather.
White-breasted Woodswallow July-Mid August. La Trobe Uni. Bundoora
Long-billed Corella 31/7/97 La Trobe Uni. Bundoora
12/8/97 Gresswell Forest
31/8/97 Toorourong Reservoir (Wet forest)
Brush Bronzewing 31/7/97 La Trobe Uni. Bundoora
Little Corella 28/8/97 Thoona Swamp, nr Wangaratta
Pied Butcherbird 28/8/97 Thoona Swamp, nr Wangaratta
Black Kite 27/8/97 North Wangaratta Tip
28/8/97 Taminick, 15km west Wangaratta
Michael Ramsey
Bundoora, Vic