>Date: 10 Sep 1997 11:50:10 U
>From: "Glenn Conroy" <>
>To: "Trish Bancroft" <>,
> "Sally Berridge" <>,
> "Peter Bull" <>,
> "Dennis Coffey" <>,
> "Nick Conomo" <>,
> "Tim Cox" <>, "Pat Francis" <>,
> "Angela Fuimara" <>,
> "John Garrard" <>,
> "Toss Gascoigne" <>,
> "Jenny Gilbert" <>,
> "Warren Glur" <>,
> "Irena Goltz" <>,
> "Roger Green" <>,
> "Mandy Gyles" <>,
> "Pam Handyside" <>,
> "Ed Highley" <>,
> "Larry Kostos" <>,
> "National M&M" <>,
> "Karen Markwort" <>,
> "Jenni Metcalfe" <>,
> "Jill Mitchell" <>,
> "Russell Moran" <>,
> "David Mussared" <>,
> "Brian Peck" <>,
> "Andrew Riley" <>,
> "Maria Taylor" <>,
> "Wendy Tubman" <>,
> "Chris Walker" <>,
> "Diana Wolfenden" <>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>To all on list.
>One of my correspondents sent me the following mesaage.
> A few hours ago, Someone opened an E-mail that had the subject heading
> of ao4free.com Within seconds of opening it, a window appeared and
> began to display all files that were being deleted. The user
> immediately shut down the computer, but it was too late. This virus
> wiped all out. It ate the Anti-Virus Software that comes with the
> Windows '95 Program along with F-Prot AVS. Neither was able to detect
> it. Please be careful and send this to as many people as possible, so
> maybe this new virus can be eliminated.
> >>
> >>This information was received this morning from IBM, please share it
> >with anyone that might access the Internet:
> >>
> >>If anyone receives e-mail entitled "PENPAL GREETINGS!" please delete
> it WITHOUT READING IT!! This is a warning for all Internet users -
> there is a dangerous virus propagating across the Internet through an
> ENTITLED PENPAL GREETINGS"!! This message appears to be a friendly
> letter asking you if you are interested in a penpal, but by the time
> you read the letter, it is too late. The "trojan horse" virus will have
> already infected the boot sector of your hard drive, destroying all of
> the data present. It is a self-replicating virus, and once the message
> is read, it will AUTOMATICALLY!!!!! forward itself to anyone whose
> e-mail address is present in YOUR mailbox!
> >>
> >This virus will DESTROY your hard drive, and holds the potential to
> >DESTROY the hard drive of anyone whose mail is in your IN BOX, and
> whose mail is in their in box and so on. If this virus keeps getting
> passed, it has the potential to do a great deal of damage to computer
> networks worldwide!!!! Please, delete the message entitled "PENPAL
> GREETINGS!" AS SOON AS YOU SEE IT! Pass this message along to all of
> your friends and other readers of the newsgroups and mailing lists
> which you are on so that they are not hurt by this dangerous virus!!!!
>Glenn Conroy
>LWRRDC Communications Manager