Many thanks to everyone for their response for articles for Wildlife
Australia. We took it over a bit (!!) this month.
Outstanding articles by Birdingaussers were:
The mystery of the Regent Honeyeater: Natasha Schedvin.
Uninvited guests: Ian Temby
Cybernature: A passion for pelagics - webpages with sealegs: Glen Ingram
Romeo and Juliet discuss parthenogenesis: Glen Ingram.
Also photographs by Tony Palliser, Keith and Lindsay Fisher.
(and apologies for the names I didn't recognise).
Remember: Wildlife Australia is a non-profit magazine produced by the
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland and the Queensland Museum. It
places emphasis on being "your" magazine, if you will contribute. And you
do not have to be a pro to contribute!
Of course, subscribe too. The editor is the talented Michelle Ryan, who is
always waiting to hear from you:
The next deadline is early October for the Summer edition.
Next Cybernature will feature interviews with the kingpins of the bird
lists: SABirdNet, BirdChat, and Birding-aus. By the bye, any personal
webpages on natural history that you can bring to my attention are
appreciated too. Many thanks to those who have already sent me.
You're magnificent (except for Trevor Quested)
Glen Ingram
Brisbane, Australia