On Wed, 13 Aug 1997 07:42:07 +1000 (EST) WM James Davis
<> wrote:
> I wish I could answer your question from personal experience, but it
>seems that you already have -- your Corellas were spotted with a flock of
>SC Cockatoos. I have seen Galah and Sc Cuckatoo feeding together
>in the same flock, so I am wondering: Were your birds feeding
>together or were they travelling or roosting together? Is it
>possible that both species were attracted to the same food source?
>In your neck of the woods, NSW in winter, SC Cockatoos are reported to
>form roamimg flocks that move around looking for food. If the birds are
>coming together to feed than I can't see any reason way other species
>couldn't join in. However, it is strange that you spotted a Little
>Corella (Cacatua sanguinea) given that this bird's natural range is in
>northern Australia. I would agree that they must be escapees (but
>truthfully, I have no way of knowing this; hopefully, other parrot
>enthusiasts can help on the question of seasonal range extensions, etc.).
Dear Jim,
The Long-billed Corella, Little Corella, S-c Cockatoo and Galah are all largely
ground-feeding cockatoos, and various combinations of these species will often
feed together. Since their diets overlap, and their food sources are often
it makes sense for corellas, for example, to be attracted to a flock of S-c
Cockatoos feeding on the ground. I have also seen a large flock (~250)
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos feeding on the ground, but this seems
uncommon, in my experience.
The Little Corella is abundant through much of northern Australia, but it is
resident in northern Victoria, most of South Australia, and is thought to be
expanding its range. It is quite possible that the birds seen in Canberra were
heralds of a further range extension. Of course, they could have been aviary
escapees - their vocabulary might give an indication of this!
Ian Temby
Wildlife Damage Control Officer
Secretary, BIRDS Australia Parrot Association
Flora and Fauna Branch
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
4/250 Victoria Parade
Phone 613 9412 4429
Fax 613 9412 4586