Dear Birding-ausers,
During the afternoon of Thursday 31st July I observed
some interesting species at the La Trobe University Wildlife Reserve
(reserve). The reserve is located on the northern boundary of the
University, small at 28 hecteres in size and consists of remnant Red Gum
woodland and wetlands. I observe there every month so have a quite good
idea of the birds to be found there. One such unusual species was a male
Brush Bronzewing seen flying then perched in open woodland. I have only
observed this species in coastal forests and heaths. The Common Bronzewing
is regularly seen her and is probably resident, I don't think this species
is on the reserves list.
Another interesting species to the reserve was a Bassian Thrush that was
heard singing then briefly seen in flight in wet scrub near the wetlands.
This species would likely be a winter visitor here. Common Blackbird and
to a lesser extent Song Thrush are regularly obvserved here. This bird
had quite a beautiful song, I have only heard it sing in spring and early
summer in the past.
A small flock of Long-billed Corellas observed on the northern boundary of
reserve was also a good sighting. They were heard first with their
distinctive quavering call and then noticed in flight overhead. This
species could possibly be occuring here due to low rainfall conditions in
other areas of Victoria. I have also observed this bird as a "vagrant" in
the Royal Botanic Gardens near Melbourne city. Perhaps that bird was an
avairy escape.
A total of 42 species were observed at the reserve, a very good total for
winter. Other species encountered were winter visitors such as Golden
Whistler, Eastern Spinebill, Silvereye (race lateralis) and Grey
Shrike-thrush. Honeyeater and Lorikeet species were also abundant,
attracted by flowering Eucalypts.
Also to note in a pair of White-brested Woodswallows that have been seen
for around a month now at La Trobe University nearby (see Pat O'Malley's
letter a few days ago). I have observed one bird few times, it is quite
easy to observe as frequents the same area. These birds could also be
vagrants here due to dry weather inland. Bird list for the reserve on the
31st July, 2-5pm, partly cloudy with a westerly wind follows. Numbers
recorded in brackets.
Pacific Black Duck (2) Yellow Thornbill (13)
White-faced Heron (1) Red Wattlebird (35)
Straw-necked Ibis (4) Noisy Miner (5)
Brown Goshawk (1) White-plumed Honeyeater (60)
Dusky Moorhen (1) New Holland Honeyeater (15)
Rock Dove (2) Eastern Spinebill (4)
Golden Whistler (5)
Spotted Turtle-dove (7) Grey Shrike-thrush (6)
Brush Bronzewing (1) Magpie-lark (2)
Long-billed Corella (7) Grey Fantail (3)
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (2)
Rainbow Lorikeet (9) Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (1)
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (2) Grey Butcherbird (2)
Musk Lorikeet (4) Australian Magpie (4)
Little Lorikeet (2) Little Raven (11)
Eastern Rosella (2) Red-browed Finch (25)
Red-rumped Parrot (2) Welcome Swallow (10)
Laughing Kookaburra (4) Silvereye (7)
Superb Fairy-wren (44) Bassian Thrush (1)
Spotted Pardalote (10) Common Blackbird (30)
Striated Pardalote (1) Common Starling (8)
White-browed Scrubwren (21)
Brown Thornbill (4)