I have finally begun to put my knowledge of WA birds on to the WWW.
This will take a year or more to complete. There will be information on any
birding site in WA that I visit (probably over 500 sites by the time I
finish), plus brief details for each species seen in WA in a format similar
to the Thomas & Thomas guide. I will also include all my pelagic trip
information, and any trip reports that I may write (not necessarily for WA).
It is very early days, so any constructive comments would be very much
Unfortunately people with old browsers may have difficulty accessing the
site as I have used Microsoft FrontPage to develop the pages using frames.
So far I have written my pelagic pages, plus a fair bit on sites in the
Frank O'Connor Argyle Diamonds
8C Hardy Road PMB 11
Nedlands WA 6009 West Perth WA 6872
Phone +61 8 9386 5694 +61 8 9167 1445
Fax +61 8 9167 1438