Mr Milan Kupr the Marine Conservation Society stated that a model predicts
that if the world oceans warm with 5 C the circulation will slow
dramatically and the water taken to the ocean floor in the North Atlantic
will shrink to less than a seventh of the former volume. Consequently the
golf stream will be reduced significantlly. I suppose the same would hapen
in the southern Oceans. Which impacts would that have on our seabirds and
fisheries? The Great Barrier Reef is under threat, and could disappear all
together, hardly good news for our tropical seabirds.
I am asthonished that we have a such backward minded and old fashioned PM
called John Howard, who is actually using taxpayers money to
anti-environmentat propaganda overseas. The Australian government is
lobbying the world not to do anything about the problem so we can keep
exporting coal to China and Asia. The current coalition government is doing
enormous harm to the world and Australia, and it appears that Howard has
been sucessfull in persuating the US congressional republicans to block an
agreement likely to be adoped in Japan later this year. Unfortunally this
position is based on a very badly drafted ABARE report funded by the coal
industry. Fellow birders, please remember this when the next election comes
up. And please write to the newspapers to expreess our anger!
Niels Dreyer