>Following up the notes from both Richard Nowotny and Stephen Ambrose
>about the RAC, I agree with Richard. The RAC and its job are not well
>known in the broader birding community and information about it and
>its decisions is scarce.
>While there may be "regular" publications on the RAC's work in the RAOU
>Report Series, that does not get to many people. I suggest that the RAC
>needs to have regular information in Wingspan about what it does, who
>the members are and who to contact if you have an unusual sighting that
>should go to the RAC.
>As well, an annual summary of the RAC's case studies should also be
>published in Wingspan. The American literature I read (e.g. ABA
>magazines) provides such information regularly to its general membership
>and I find it very interesting and informative. I think RAOU members
>would be similarly interested in the Australian equivalent.
>That way, the RAC would lose much of its mystic and many more members
>might be tempted to submit their records.
Indeed you are correct and this was a subject that was brought up at
our annual meeting earlier this month. Certainly we have every intention
of publishing information regularly where it is more accessible in the
future. Wingspan as I understand it may have a limited amount of space
available to allow all the case summaries to be printed in full. This
matter will be discussed with the editors once we have caught up on work
presently outstanding. We agree with you in that the results are of
interest to the members of Birds Australia and as such this is high on
our the list of action items.
Thanks for your valued feedback.
Tony Palliser (.....Sydney, Australia)
Phone.....+61 2 9900 1678 or Home +61 2 9427 7563
Fax.......+61 2 9900 1669