Bilby wrote:
> Can anybody give me any useful references concerning the effects of habitat
> fragmentation on the biology (breeding, physiology and other aspects) of
> birds and any other vertebrates? These do not have to be Australian
> necessarily. They are for my honours research project.
> Many Thanks,
> Robert Davis.
Dear Robert,
I suggest that you contact A/Prof Hugh Ford of the Department of Zoology,
University of
New England. At the RAOU's Southern Hemisphere Ornithologists Conference in
1996, Hugh presented a very good overview of the effects of habitat
degradation and clearance on the breeding success of birds.
Contact details can be obtained by consulting the 'Australian Bird Research
on the RAOU's home page <>. There are
a number
of other people listed in this directory who may also be able to assist you.
Dr Stephen Ambrose
Research and Conservation Manager.
Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU),
Australian Bird Research Centre,
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East,
VIC 3123.
Tel: + 61 3 9882 2622
Fax: + 61 3 9882 2677
Email: S.Ambrose <> (at work)
<> (at home)