A very important reason why we should not export wild-trapped birds is the
welfare of the birds. In fact I don't know how licensed trappers continue
to work in Australia given the strength of the welfare lobby for farm and
companion animals. For example cockatoo trappers catch huge numbers of
birds which are placed in relatively small and unhygienic holding pens which
facilitate spread of disease. Some of them are injured by the capture
process. The birds become stressed, are transported usually to a pet shop
which has similar poor disease control and then they are sold to a public
that really doesn't have a clue about correct nutrition or husbandry. Us
vets see the final product .... a thin cockatoo with chlamydiosis, parasites
and psittacine beak and feather disease. People have been fined and jailed
for lesser cruelty to pups or kittens.
Trapping is also a huge disincentive for those genuine aviculturists who
want to breed birds and sell them as pets. After all is said this is what
the public really wants.
Dr Shane Raidal BVSc PhD MACVSc (Avian Health)
Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology
School of Veterinary Studies
Murdoch University phone: +61 9 360 2418
Perth,WA, 6150 fax: +61 9 310 4144