Imagine this....
A cable TV station which has 24-hour coverage of wild places. A bit like
a Web-Cam that goes birding. You could be up at 3 am in Sydney adding to
your British list.....
2010... Crown Casino Corporation (Parks and Wildlife Division) announce
that fees will be payable at entry points to all CCC controlled parks,
beaches, wetlands and forest reserves.
2012 ... CCC unveil their new revenue-raising program for all woodland and
forest areas of Victoria: twitchers from around the world will be
attracted to these reserves, where daily releases of rare and unusual
species will be scheduled.
2016 ... the RAOU announces that all State Lists are now the property of
Kennett & Williams Enterprises, Inc. and that anyone wanting to add a
species will need to submit a copyright clearance form and a search fee of
2018 ... RAOU Inc. announces a rise in yearly permits for birdwatchers:
Urban areas: $200
City parks supplement: $120
Rural Areas: $300
State and National Parks: $500
Coasts and Bays Supplement: $200
Wetlands Supplement: $300
Other fee increases:
Telescope licence: $250
Photographer's Permit: $3,500
Video Permit: On Application
STOP PRESS: Kennet announces Pygmy Nuthatch as the Victorian Faunal
With apologies,
Russell Woodford