I found a pointer to this site on a US bird news group. Have a look at
Its hard to take this sort of thing seriously but we all know many birds
are captured in the wild and smuggled overseas. I have no doubt there is
a level of corruption in the wildlife agencies policing our laws (as their
is in any law enforcement agency) but this mob seem to think the agencies
are the prime cause of the smuggling problem.
A couple of selections which caught my eye:
"The RED-VENTED BULBUL and the HILL MYNA are in such large numbers in the
wild that they, along with many others, are listed as supplementary birds
in the RAOU publication - Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories."
Do any of the twitchers out there know where I could find these birds in
Australia (apart from aviaries of course)?
"GREEN on the outside - but RED right through" referring to the "green
radicals" employed by the national crime authority in the fight against
smuggling and illegal bird keeping.
I don't know much about this issue but I'm sure there are more than a few
factual errors and slanderous statements in this article.
Note also the interesting way they CAPITALISE words. This sort of thing
is commonly seen in tracts by creationists and white supremacists.
Stephen Clark
CSIRO Division of Plant Industry
Canberra 2601 Australia
Phone 06 246 5417
Fax 06 246 5399