My best birding experience for the year occurred in spring while riding to
work just 10 km from the centre of Perth. That morning I awoke as usual to
the melody of singing honey-eaters but was surpised by the sounds of about 6
red-tailed black cockatoos which progressively destroyed a small
bottle-brush tree just outside my bedroom window. Within the short
bike-ride to work I spotted about 30 white-tailed black cockatoos (at least
2 juveniles), one pair of galahs, red-capped and Port Lincoln parrots, about
10 rainbow bee eaters, New Holland honey-eaters, red-wattle birds and a
kestrel. No sparrows, starlings or Indian mynahs!
Dr Shane Raidal BVSc PhD
Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology
School of Veterinary Studies phone: +61 9360 2418
Murdoch University fax: +61 9310
Perth,WA, 6150 email: