I'm using a 7250 to monitor an HVAC run-times, to characterize power consumption. It boots into Debian over NFS from our home network server.
The server is on a UPS, and if power fails, it shuts down sanely after a few minutes. But the 7250 is not on a UPS, so it would just die when power fails.
In another application, I booted into TS-Linux and mounted everything read-only,, but I can't do this with the HVAC monitor -- it writes to files on the server.
My program opens and closes each file for every write operation, so there are no continuously-open files hanging around waiting for the power to fail.
Am I at risk of corrupting the server's file system if the 7250 dies? If so, what should I do to protect it?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
--- Mike