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Re: [ts-7000] ts7xxx.subr problem on TS7260

Subject: Re: [ts-7000] ts7xxx.subr problem on TS7260
From: Don Tucker <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:42:16 -0500
I think I've seen this. If you look in the header of the ts7xxx.subr
file, there are instructions to set an environment variable "model" to
match the board that you are running on (for instance, for the TS-7260,
I do "export model=2"). Have you done this?


On 3/23/2011 8:33 AM, Miguel Garcia Arias wrote:

Thanks Jim.
Now most of the functions wors. But I have some problems with the
functions that works with DIO.
for example:
$ dio_dir_set 1 1
let: 43: Syntax error: MASK=1<<
Usage: peekpoke BIT_WIDTH ADDRESS <VALUE <x>>
<x> can be anything; supresses read-back on write
let: 43: Syntax error: VAL=
let: 43: Syntax error: VAL=|
Usage: peekpoke BIT_WIDTH ADDRESS <VALUE <x>>
<x> can be anything; supresses read-back on write

Any ideas?

On 03/23/2011 07:00 AM, Jim Jackson wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, wgwend wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I want to use the special shell function for hardware access.
>> So i do:
>> $ ./root/ts7xxx.subr
> try
> $ . ./root/ts7xxx.subr
> You must "source" file so that the declarations in the file affect
> the current shell.
>> $ tshelp
>> -sh: tshelp: not found
>> $ led0 0
>> -sh: led0 0: not found
>> any idea what am I doing wrong?
>> Thanks
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