erik_dykema <>
[2010-11-17 05:07:47]:
> I have one more question if you can bear with me. I'd
like to build a
> .jffs2 filesystem, flash it to the TS-7260, and use
that as the root
> filesystem. I was able to get Angstrom built into a
.jffs2 filesystem
> by editing the build/conf/local.conf file.
Unfortunately, however, the
> kernel you built doesn't have the JFFS2 filesystem
compiled in, it's
> only module. So I think I'd like to build a different
kernel with
> some more modules compiled in ( wifi drivers as well
just edit the defconfig for the kernel and change JFFS2 to
be compiled in
kernel, not as module:
$ vim
than you just need to rebuild the kernel:
$ bitbake -c clean virtual/kernel
$ bitbake virtual/kernel
and then you should've kernel with JFFS2 built. Fast, no
magic, no
crosscompile madness :-) OE does all the hard work for
BTW, JFFS2 is quite obsolete, slow etc., if I can
recommend you something, try
UBIFS, it's already supported in ts72xx and OE. I
personally moved from JFFS2
to UBIFS and I don't regret it :-)
One day I plan to release some supported image(s) for
ts72xx, and feeds with
packages for it, that's why I make kernel as modular as
possible, then you
should be just able to do on device:
$ opkg update
$ opkg install kernel-module-wifidriver
Or you can add the required module to your custom image,
see my testing
image[1] for example. At the bottom of that image you can
see my custom
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND command which adds kernel
module for my WiFi USB
stick(rt3070sta) to modutils so it's autoloaded each time
board boots. I
think, that you should do the same with the additional
modules you need.
Another possibility is to add them to machine config[2]
(module autoload), but
this is not recommended anyway.
-- ynezz