The issue is resolved after removing defualt route.
some how getty is popped up for com1 port. There by messages are are confused between terminal device and modem
To: From: Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:32:08 -0500 Subject: Re: [ts-7000] Re: PPP issue: not replacing existing default route to eth0
On 11/15/2010 1:46 AM, SOMA Sekhar Saraswatula wrote:
Thanks for reply 1)I did removed default route to eth0 2) defaultroute added in OPTIONS 3) replacedefaultroute /* ## This is producing error as not found commnad so I din't used this. */
But before running the ppp script in TS7200 I ran the script in Redhat linux. Where it is creating PPP0 defualt route and able to connect to internet. But same script is having issue in creating the route in TS7200. In TS7200 there are no default IP-UP and IP-down scripts. I copied those script from Redhat. Is it the cause of the issues? where Can I get IP-UP & IP-DOWN script for TS-7200 (usually linux maintains them in /etc/ppp/ folder. In TS7200 I am unable to find IP-UP/IP-DOWN.
#1, RedHat is not Debian, nor is it TS-Linux, you can't just go copying scripts from one and tossing them into the other. #2, You also can't rely too heavily on "it works in redhat", one of Linux's greatest advantages and faults is everyone can do it different. Kernel differences, source version differences, compiler differences, all of these can play heavily upon if the end product does what you want it to.
So, toss the RedHat scripts, if you're using Debian off SD then read up on how they handle ppp, otherwise start reading the pppd manpage. Thankfully pppd is fairly easy and takes care of most things itself. As for the issue with replacedefaultroute that's probably from you using a older version of pppd then the one Jim was talking about.
-- Jason Stahls