Just an idea: Make sure that the console is not running on the same serial port (which I believe is AM0). This may present a serious conflict if you're using that serial port to send out data.
Try attaching a USB-to-serial converter, and see if that works for sending the data out (which will be like /dev/ttyUSB0, I think).
On 12/15/07, susheel4uall <> wrote:
Hello everyone, I have used the below serial program to display data
from GPS receiver(SIM508 EVB) on host pc with Redhat Linux9.0 It was
displaying the gps data correctly onto the screen(I havnt used any
minicom). we used /dev/ttyS0 serial port,with 9600bps baudrate,no
parity,no hardware control options.
But when I used the same serial port pgm on TS-7300, it was not being
displayed on the terminal.There were no errors when I compiled the
same pgm using g++ in TS-7300. I even changed the serial port to
/dev/ttyAM1 and /dev/ttyAM0, but still it is not working.
Can anyone of you, plz help me regarding this issue, its quite
urgent...have to submit the project to our officials...
Serial pgm which I used:
To Compile: g++ gps.cpp -o gps
using namespace std;
#define SERIALPORT "/dev/ttyAM1" // port the device is plugged in to
#define BAUDRATE B9600 // baud rate the device spits out at
#define UPDATE_RATE 20 // update speed in Hz (probably set
anywhere from 10-50
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/time.h> // timers
#include <signal.h> // timers / serial
#include <termios.h> // serial
#include <unistd.h> // serial, file
#include <fcntl.h> // serial, file
string serial_buffer; // Unprocessed data off the serial port
int fd_serial;
void timer_handler(int x); // used in automation
void serial_handler(int status); // interrupt function called on
new data (position isn't guaranteed), pass to ReadSerial()
int main() {
struct termios tty; // will be used for new port settings
struct termios oldtty; // will be used to save old port settings
if (fd_serial < 0) {
printf("\nUnable to write to serial port (%s), are you
root?\n", SERIALPORT);
tcgetattr(fd_serial, &oldtty); // save current port settings
bzero(&tty, sizeof(tty)); // Initialize the port settings
structure to all zeros
tty.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD | CRTSCTS; //
8 databits-NoParity-1 stopbit
tty.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
tty.c_oflag = 0;
tty.c_lflag = 0;
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // 0 means use-vtime
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; // time to wait until exiting read
(tenths of a second)
tcflush(fd_serial, TCIFLUSH); // flush old data
tcsetattr(fd_serial, TCSANOW, &tty); // apply new settings
fcntl(fd_serial, F_SETOWN, getpid()); // enable our PID to
receive serial interrupts
fcntl(fd_serial, F_SETFL, FASYNC);
struct sigaction saio; // set the serial interrupt handler
saio.sa_handler = serial_handler; // to this function
sigemptyset(&saio.sa_mask); // clear existing settings
saio.sa_flags = 0; // make sure sa_flags is cleared
saio.sa_restorer = NULL; // no restorer
sigaction(SIGIO, &saio, NULL); // apply new settings
// set up the main timer
struct itimerval timer1; // set up the timers
signal(SIGALRM, timer_handler); // call this function on
timer1.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; // reset val
timer1.it_interval.tv_usec =
(__suseconds_t)((1.0/(double)UPDATE_RATE)*1000000); // reset val
(converts UPDATE_RATE from Hz into microseconds
timer1.it_value.tv_sec = timer1.it_interval.tv_sec; //
initial val
timer1.it_value.tv_usec = timer1.it_interval.tv_usec; //
initial val
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer1, NULL); // apply new settings
while (1) { } // press ctrl-c to exit the program
write(fd_serial, "t", 1); // where t is the test char to send
tcsetattr(fd_serial, TCSANOW, &oldtty); // restore the old
port settings before quitting
void serial_handler (int status) {
// this function is called whenever there is new data to be
read off the serial port.
// It has to execute quickly, so the data processing is
*not* done here.
char temp_buffer[256*2]; // max chars to read at once, if
you don't read the entire buffer then the function will get called again
int len = read(fd_serial, temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer));
// do the actual read
temp_buffer[len] = 0; // null terminate the string **important**
serial_buffer += temp_buffer; // append what we read to the
serial_buffer of unprocessed data
void timer_handler(int x) {
// this function gets called UPDATE_RATE times per second,
it handles the data processing off the serial port
// ** note that serial_buffer gets populated from serial_handler
signal(SIGALRM, timer_handler); // clear the interrupt flag,
so it will trigger again when we exit
int infinite_loop_preventer = 0; // sanity check to make
sure this section won't run forever
if (serial_buffer.length() > 0) { // unprocessed data exists
int start_pos; // position of the first $ char (all
packets must start with a $
int end_pos_n; // position of the first \n char
following the first $
int end_pos_r; // position of the first \r char
following the first $
int end_pos; // set to the lesser of end_pos_n or end_pos_r
do {
// 1) find start char
// 2) find end char (\n or \r)
// 3) process that data
// loop while there's more data
start_pos = serial_buffer.find("$", 0);
end_pos_n = serial_buffer.find("\n", start_pos);
end_pos_r = serial_buffer.find("\r", start_pos);
end_pos = end_pos_n < end_pos_r ? end_pos_n :
end_pos_r; // choose the lesser of the two ending points
if (start_pos != string::npos && end_pos != string::npos) {
string data = "">
end_pos-start_pos); // just the current packet
serial_buffer = serial_buffer.substr(end_pos+1);
// remove parsed section
cout << data << endl;
} while (start_pos != string::npos && end_pos !=
string::npos && infinite_loop_preventer < 10000); // keep
processing if buffer has end char in it
-- Dustin Oprea Software Engineer Intrepid Control Systems (1+) 248-726-0605