Hallo everyone,
I have a problem by using the Phillips ToUcam Pro II. I would like to get a
connection from this webcam to an other Program.
By calling the function:
(ioctl(videoFid,VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &gb[(frameCounter)%2])
I receive a value of -1 from the function above with the error message
"invalid argument".
The values of this function are:
videoFid=10, what I guess is somthing like the channel,
VIDIOCAPTURE=1074830627 , which is a const. and specify the ioctl().
gb contains the information about the width and height, which are set to
160x120 and the format which is set to 4 which means an Video_Palette_RGB24.
The frameCounter is always set to 0 and so gdb[0]=4 the format.
This call gives me the right value back if I use an other Kamera connected
to an Haupauge TV Card. Withthis device the call is ok. And the only value
that changes is videoFid. VideoFid in this case is 9 and in gb the values of
width and height: 120x160.
Thanks for any help
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