I have used the windtech (10380) "Carnauba" water wicking foam windscreens,=
and they are far from waterproof. Plenty of water still penetrates to the =
interior of the foam, so the capsules themselves still need to be protected=
. The foam windscreens on the Wildlife Acoustics recorders allow a similar =
amount of water to penetrate, so the capsules on those units must be protec=
ted somehow and I don;t know how. I'm not eager to void the warranty (and p=
ossibly destroy the waterseal) by taking it apart! I have also found the fo=
am windscreens to be inadequate wind protection in all but the most gentle =
of breezes. I haven't worked out wind protection for my home made recorder =
box, but some combination of open-cell foam and fabric will be my starting =
point. I'd like the mic capsules to be flush with the surface of the box, s=
o the windtech type foam screen will not work anyway.
When I made my EM172-based boundary array I had some open-cell foam lying a=
round that came as packing material in something I ordered, and I found it =
to be very wind resistant and acoustically transparent. I just glued it on =
to the boundary plate to cover the mics and it works great as a windscreen.=
It gets soaked with water however, so it is not an all-weather setup, and =
I don't know how or where to find that particular material to use again.
I'm thinking about the wire cage idea, covered with a thin layer of foam an=
d fabric. The EM172 capsules seem to withstand a fair amount of moisture wi=
thout further treatment, so as long as it prevents the capsules from gettin=
g hammered with rain, the windscreen might also serve as adequate water pro=
tection. I'm hoping so anyway.
John L. Crockett
Let us live in harmony with the Earth
And all creatures
That our lives may be a blessing.
From: " [naturerecordists]" <=
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2015 7:26 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Weatherproofing Mics?
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Hi John and all
At soundCamp we build live audio streamboxes with Raspberry Pi s, sometimes=
using the Primo capsules. I've also been thinking about waterproofing..
One option might be to use or copy or adapt the proprietary waterproof wind=
shields listed here=A0http://www.windtech.tv/New_Products.php=A0It would be=
very useful to know if somebody knows how to do the=A0Carnauba=A0water wic=
king treatment on the foam. I wonder if this is the material used on the re=
cording boxes by eg wildlfe acoustics=A0http://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/pr=
I used for a while a box from Sound Professionals which had a pair of stere=
o omnis installed in opposite walls of an otter box. It was basic but gave =
quite a good stereo image, with the box providing some separation. Wind pro=
ofing was limited. I reckon you could fit primos using a grommet such as th=
e ones from FEL and then cover with some waterproof foam. Or fit the capsul=
es in a housing and use the moulded windscreens. Maybe backed up with some =
'hogs hair' air conditioner filter material hopefully not from hogs.