Thanks David & Gianni,
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 I tested out mytwo Senneisser ME66 today and followed yo=
ur suggestions. The birds wereoutstanding at the place I went (Nisqually Wi=
ldlife Refuge in Washington, USA)but I forgot that it was relatively close =
to a major highway. I seemed to haveproblems with highway noise even when I=
had the microphones pointing away fromthe highway. I was able to get a lot=
of the highway noise out with the =E2=80=9Chighpass filter=E2=80=9D in Aud=
acity.=C2=A0 I am stilllearning how to use audacity as well as how to make =
good recordings so I amsure my techniques have a lot to go to improve some =
more.=C2=A0 The microphones did a nice job of picking upthe birdcalls and I=
liked the stereo effects I was getting. I will test out the=E2=80=9Cpeanut=
=E2=80=9D technique next week when I go to visit my family. They have a nic=
elawn that I can use and lots of birds on the farm so I can try some morere=
cording.=C2=A0 I really appreciate the helpfiguring this out.=C2=A0 Next is=
to work on myrecording techniques and I suspect lots of practice. I am usi=
ng a Fostex FR-2LErecorder.=C2=A0 I need to play with thecontrols some more=
to understand how they affect the recorded sound.
Here are two recording I made this morning.
The marsh wren was interesting in that it shifted thedirection it was facin=
g while singing and changed perches. The difference inhow well I picked up =
the song was amazing. I had not noticed that big adifference in the headpho=
nes while I was recording but really noticed back hereon my computer.
Any suggestions or criticisms are welcome.
David: I saw in one of your posts that you recommended usingthe Equalizer f=
unction in Audacity. Should I try to learn more about theEqualizer as a way=
to control ambient noise?
Thanks for your help.=C2=A0I am excited to try using the two ME66s some mor=
e to get stereorecordings. I think when I improve my techniques they will b=
e great fun.
All the best, Tom
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:50 AM, " [nat=
urerecordists]" <> wrote:
=C2=A0 Thank you David and Gianni, this is just what I needed. I will te=
st these ideas out this weekend and see what I can come up with. I have bee=
n having great fun learning how to record bird calls and the morning chorus=
. This will be a great chance to learn some more. I appreciate the help.Tom=
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"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause.
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