For some reason I can't retrieve messages this morning to reply, so this is=
an extra relating to the Rane link that Anders posted for me.
While making up my new Y split cable for the AT-8022, I followed what appea=
red to me to be correct for, I'm guessing, not only this Y cable, but any c=
able from mic to recorder. I can only think that in my present mental state=
I missed something obvious. I followed figure 4 which appeared to indicate=
I needed to use #1. What this indicates is ground connected to pin 1 on th=
e mic side, but left unconnected on the recorder end. As a precaution, when=
I did the wiring, I didn't cut off the ground sheath but insulated it and =
left intact. It's a good job I did, because on connecting the mic to my HD-=
P2 there was no signal at all! I quickly realised that the missing recorder=
side ground might be the problem, so soldered them in. Bingo! It now worke=
d perfectly. I hope somebody will show me where I went wrong with the Rane =
As an extra here, I'll say a few words about my VERY brief experience with =
this AT-8022. I did very rough and ready tests using the battery with my LS=
-10, and then phantom power with my HD-P2, in the same room concurrently. O=
n normalising both recordings to a similar level, and then changing to spec=
togram view, it looked pretty clear that the HD-P2 recording was much clean=
er; the background black indicated this. Although the HD-P2 has slightly le=
ss self noise than the LS-10, I don't think this was the sole reason, perha=
ps not relevant at all. I suspect that phantom power v battery is the reaso=
n. Any comments very welcome, and I'm very aware that my tests were by no m=
eans scientific! Either way, unless further testing proves otherwise, I'll =
be using this whenever possible, with the HD-P2. It's hardly worth mention=
ing, but the HD-P2 recording also sounded better.