Thanks for this intriguing link Eric, I will definitely investigate this.
--- In Eric Fassbender <> wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> I thought of somehow using the noise capture/footprint function to detect
> similar sounds and gave that a go in Soundbooth. However, it is aimed at low
> end white noise kind of sounds so didn't pick up the call of a barking owl
> that I marked as 'noise'. The function still tried to remove the ambient
> noise (wind in trees, sound of creek) rather than the owl call. After this
> unsuccessful attempt I thought - surely there must be a software out there
> that can do what you want (highlight a sound and then search for similar
> instances). So I typed 'sound editing find similar sounds how to' into Google
> and this is one of the search results:
> It seems to be able to find similar sounds in a recording, however, I am on a
> Mac so cannot test it. If you have a Windows machine, maybe give it a try.
> One last point on the Spectrograms. You'll likely find that once you know
> what the spectrogram of the owl call looks like (i.e. you need to identify
> one instance) your eyes will be able to easily pick up the pattern in the
> spectrogram.
> I'd be interested to hear how you're going and what works and what doesn't
> after a few sessions, so maybe let us know :)
> Cheers,
> Eric