Great Telinga!
This morning, due to the bad weather, I devoted myself to storage some reco=
rdings made in 2009 with Edirol R9 and Telinga Twin Science Mic inside a Te=
linga dish. I was listening to a recording of Crested Tit when I visually n=
oticed on the PC screen that one channel was partially saturated, unlike th=
e second channel where the recording was perfect.
As often happens, using the Twin Science Mic I can save at least one of the=
two channels.
The frequencies emitted by the analyzed call of Crested Tit (2,2-6,4 KHz), =
for the right OMNI directional channel appear to be characterized by at lea=
st 4-6 db lower than the left channel where there is a CARDIOID capsule.
The intrinsic mic noise of the two types of capsule seems to be approximate=
ly similar, while the background noise is obviously different with the road=
traffic noise in the distance more pronounced in the right OMNI channel.
In practice, using the Telinga microphone system Twin Science Mic, it's lik=
e to have two completely independent systems together in the same apparatus=
, something we now take for granted because it existed for many years, but =
I would call a stroke of genius that Klas had at the time!
This is the link to the downloadable recording:
WARNING to the volume of audio listening because of the high signal distort=
ion on the left CARDIOID channel!
Marco Pesente