Here's the link!!
> Hi Chris ,
> This recording was taken in a valley, although not a river valley... lot'=
s of rolling movement, so best listening are with headphones. Recorded with=
Sonic Studio Dsm 6A's-- medium sensitity, psuedo binaural mic placement wi=
th tornadic activity overhead, in rural Oklahoma.
> Enjoy,
> Mark
> On Jul 22, 2012, at 10:32 AM, "chris" <> wrote:
>> Thanks all for your comments. Arnthor , the recording was made with
>> MKH30/40 M+S in a Rycote blimp into a SD 722. I raised
>> the gain of the "quiet section" . John T ... getting "fried" crossed my
>> mind too , your topography is mostly flat I guess, great
>> "rolling" effect in your very clean recording.
>> If someone on the list has a recording of thunder rolling in a river
>> valley that would be a treat!
>> Thanks for listening, Chris Davidson: