typo (again) !
'isn't neat the Sound Devices' should be 'isn't near the Sound Devices'
sorry !
--- In "Jez" <> wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> the FR2LE really isn't neat the Sound Devices - its a long way off in ter=
ms of not only specs (specs on paper only say so much as we all know) & in =
terms of in the field. The pre-amps on the Fostex don't have as much headro=
om & are considerably noisier. More importantly they don't sound as good, b=
ut they are good for the price.
> As for the specs on tests this is a big subject that's been discussed on =
here a few times - the thing is that these tests only tell half the story. =
There are a few sites that, for example, specs the self noise of the DR-680=
at lower than the R-44 but others that find the opposite. The R-44 pre-amp=
s burn-in slower than the DR & I guess that might be something to do with i=
> Much of my recording is concerned with very, very quiet sounds, most of w=
hich a recorder such as the Fostex is incapable of capturing simply because=
the self noise is louder than the sound being recorded. Thats the reason I=
bought a Sound Devices recorder.
> Also, the pre-amps & paths on the FR2LE don't handle non-conventional mic=
s well - I don't know the science of why, just the effect - but for example=
when recording fence wires with the FR2LE there's a ton of frequencies tha=
t just aren't there. I once had a long discussion about this & was told tha=
t Fostex route power to their inputs differently for one thing & also that =
their pre-amp design is limited because of the way they route power. One ef=
fect of this is that, for example, some FR2LE's need phantom power on with =
contact mics & some don't - its had us scratching our heads on more than on=
e workshop.
> forgetting spec-talk for now, put simply the difference in available gain=
between the FR & the SD is that the FR is about 60% of what the SD has & i=
n terms of self noise the FR is about 40% more than the SD has.
> The FR2LE is a good recorder, the PMD661 is a good recorder, the R-44 is =
a good recorder - all for their cost. The Sound Devices is, without any dou=
bt whatsoever a very different thing (& I speak as someone who still someti=
mes uses a minidisc too & has no beef with lower cost units per say).
> --- In "robin_parmar_sound" <robin@> wr=
> >
> > Jez wrote:
> >
> > > thanks Robin, I knew of this test (which by the way has different res=
ults from quite a few others). I've used all the other recorders & actually=
the R-44 has a lower self noise than the FR2LE & the PMD661 for example - =
but there is a knack to getting the gain & sensitivity knob in the right po=
sitions for optimum performance.
> >
> > I would like to know more about this, since I have not read much disagr=
eement with the tests I referenced. Would love to be better informed!
> >
> > I confess to being surprised that the noise would be lower than the FR-=
2LE, which is already at Sound Devices quality. Some of my recordings are a=
lready right at the limits of what is audible / possible, IMO.
> >
> > -- Robin Parmar
> >