> <<BIAS (Peak) has closed its doors, folks. Sad news from California.>>
> This is very bad news for the audio world. There are many good alternative CD
> authoring apps to Peak which will take up that slack. But the real loss will
> be the noise reduction plug in suite SoundSoap Pro. It can do things which
> iZotope's Rx can't. We can only hope some other developer purchases this
> asset from BIAS & keeps it going.
> Scott Fraser
Hiya Scott,
Just curious - what functionality did SoundSoap have that RX doesn't? I used to
have SoundSoap Pro and found it inarticulate to use and just generally
disappointing in what it achieved. RX has consistently impressed me, allowing
me to do things I've struggled to do previously. Plus it seems miraculously
averse to artefacts. And that's not counting in all the other tools in the RX
suite, spectral repair notably, but the deconstruct module is ground-breaking
too. Maybe iZotope is one of the reasons BIAS is out of business??
Listening Earth
Andrew Skeoch & Sarah Koschak
Pure nature recordings
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