Good recording in the circunstances. Is good to know they are making the de=
markation of the territory.I use a big parabola in a tripod but walking one=
hipercardioid is good.
Tomorow I will be in Lousal near Gr=E2ndola my city to record once more in=
a wet region. Here the wind and the rain are also very strong. I will post=
here my sunday recording.
--- In "tk7859" <> wrote:
> Thanks Jose
> I've just got back from the Nightingale walk. It was an interesting and i=
nformative outing.
> As forecast, today was miserably wet with high wind; almost gale force f=
or most of the day. The rain stopped and the sky cleared in time for the 7=
:30 pm start of the guided walk. The wind was still 25mph however. Luckil=
y the area had plenty of scrub which provided some shelter from the wind. =
A reasonable number of birds were heard but they were some distance away ex=
cept for this one.
> As you can hear the bird had to compete with the vocalisations of the sev=
enteen walkers in the group. However the guide's words re. the demarcation=
of the Nightingales territories are interesting.
> I used the head spaced, small barrier rig equipped with EM172 capsules. =
I am quite pleased how well it performed. During parts of the walk there w=
ere up to three birds singing together (some distance away) and the omnidir=
ectional nature of the rig would have fitted in well if it were not for the=
other walker's presence.
> Over the next 10 days I plan to go on two more walks but I think I will t=
ake along a more directional mic (ME66/K6 recently acquired second hand at =
a reasonable price) to separate the birds from the walkers.
> Cheers, TomR
> --- In "freitojos" <josefreitas81@> wro=
> >
> >
> > Tom R,
> > Good luck for you. Here in southern Portugal they sing a lot and they a=
re very common birds in spring.
> > Regards,
> > Jos=E9
> > --- In "tk7859" <g0sbw@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for that Freitojos.
> > >
> > > I hope to record the "same" bird this coming Thursday as they are als=
o arriving in the South East of England now. Weather forecast for Thursday=
is high winds and rain :-( but I will do my best
> > >
> > > Regards, TomR
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In "freitojos" <josefreitas81@>=
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > This bird arives in spring in Portugal and this is the firs time I =
record one. This is also a composition of two files recorded in the same pl=
ace the same hour,the sencond 7,20 min I don't know if there are two birds =
of the same species. I think they are two diferent birds.I think the first =
part is with high pass filter the second no the ms setup mkh 30/40 was in t=
he focus of my parabola with wind protection.
> > > >
> > >
> >