I guess what I mean is that I find the sound of the NT1a's to be a bit midd=
le-of-the-road. neither one thing or the other. It's the strong point & wea=
l point of the Rode mics - they're ok & thats good in terms of cost but the=
y tend to be a bit lacking in personality, sound wise. However, what I will=
say about them is that this characteristic is quite useful for finding one=
s own way of working - you have to try lots of different placement techniqu=
es & work around the limits. It's a good way to learn if what you're after =
is a personal or creative outcome.
--- In "hartogj" <> wrote=
> Hi Jez,
> What do you mean by "middle-y" - as it would relate to outdoor non-human =
nature recording?
> John Hartog
> rockscallop.org
> --- In "Jez" <tempjez@> wrote:
> >
> > thanks Scott - yes, the large d mics i've tried in these situations do =
perform well indeed. The Rode are good & very quiet in terms of self noise =
- I think they're still supposedly the quietest mics in terms of self noise=
around, but i'm sure there are lots of others that perhaps have some other=
features that are a bit better. Sound wise they tend to be a bit middle-y.