Hi all
I'm planning some bird surveys using a recording device & microphones (will=
listen & interpret the recordings at a later time). This device was recomm=
ended to me: http://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/products/acoustic-monitoring
Does anyone have experience with it? Some of the specs are listed below:
The plan is to set up a recorder and return the next day to retrive the dat=
a, then move the unit to another spot & repeat.
I have minimal technical knowledge on this gear - is it just as well (or be=
tter?) to get one of the Sony or Olympus models with built-in mics?
thanks for any advice
Mark Phinney
Audio Specifications
=95 ChannelsChannels:2
=95 Interface: 3-pin waterproof connector (ground, signal,
Message: 3.
Subject: 3V supply)
=95 Bias power: 2.5V 2.2K ohm, switch enabled per channel
=95 High-pass filter: 2-pole butterworth,switch selectable per
channel at 2, 180 or 1,000Hz
=95 Pre-amplifier: 2-stage, switch selectable per channel, at +0,
+12, +24, +36, +48, or +60dB gain. For
sample rates <=3D 96kHz, third-stage
digitally-configurable +0-+12dB in 1.5dB
=95 Noise: -115dBV equivalent input noise (-105dBV
for 192kHz and 384kHz sample rates)
=95 ADC: 1V rms full-scale 16-bit, 90dB SNR
=95 Sample rates: 4, 8, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48kHz and
96kHz standard; 192kHz and 384kHz
available with SM2BAT+ daughter card.
=95 Digital format: 16-bit .WAV PCM (optional .WAC
proprietary lossless or lossy compression
formats) or zero crossing.
=95 Headphones: 3.5mm stereo jack
=95 Filtering and triggering: Configurable digital high-pass and
low-pass filters at sample rate divided by 3,
4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 96. Adaptable
trigger with configurable threshold above
background 1-88dB, absolute trigger with
configurable threshold -1 - -88dB full scale,
inactivity time for trigger off 0.1 - 9.9
SMX-II Microphones
=95 Enclosure: weatherproof
=95 Sensitivity: -36=B14dB (0dB=
=95 Frequency response: flat 20Hz - 20,000Hz
=95 Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 62dB
=95 Directionality: Omnidirectional