I took the opportunity to record last Sunday's dawn chorus (90minutes befor=
e dawn in fact) during a period of good weather with very light winds. The=
re were only a few early flights heading to/from the London airports and ve=
ry light road traffic so background noise was reasonable apart from the sou=
nd of neighbours' heating furnaces switching in and out.
The AT 3032s were fed to a Marantz 661 and the Shure MX391s to an Olympus L=
S-10. Both sets of mics were mounted on nearly identical head spaced bound=
ary rigs i.e. those shown in the photographs here
The same 90 seconds of time from the 3032 and MX391 recordings have been jo=
ined together; with the 3032 going first. These snippets are of from the l=
ast third of the dawn chorus.
No wind protection was used and a small amount of wind rumble can be heard =
in a couple of places. The recordings were made 48/24 and converted to 320=
MP3 before uploading to Soundcloud. Other than fade ins and fade outs the=
recordings are as/is from the recorders. The comparison is here
I am finding it difficult to choose between them. I think the ATs are more=
detailed but the Shures seem warmer.
Cheers, TomR