Hi Peter,
I totally agree!
Listening to lets say a 24 hour recording is not really feasable.
The only way to get an overview of such a recording is by looking a the spe=
ctral graphics of it.
I have been using Adobe Audition for years and I could not do without it. W=
ith a little practice you can easily identify the interesting bits of a rec=
ording by just looking at the spectral graphics. This saves a lot of time.
And it is a great thing to find that one perfect coyote howl in the middle =
of a 3 hour file.
> One problem I've found with the "machine gun" approach is that I have to
> listen to it all afterwards to pick out the bits I want, probably several
> times over. Once I realised how long this takes, I decided to limit the
> length of my recordings where possible. The PCM M10's prerecord buffer sa=
ves me
> a lot of editing time by letting me wait for a bird to call before starti=
> recording.
> Still, it's better to have too much than too little.
> Peter Shute
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