I have had a play with your track using Audacity v1.3. On a power
spectrum <Analyze-Plot Spectrum> I saw two peaks and I wrote an
On Version 1.3 look for an Audacity file called <EQCurves.xml> and add
the following curve using a text editor:
<curve name=3D"Jose Freitas">
<point f=3D"30.000000000000" d=3D"-12.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"60.000000000000" d=3D"-24.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"70.000000000000" d=3D"-24.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"100.000000000000" d=3D"-10.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"200.000000000000" d=3D"-3.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"300.000000000000" d=3D"-0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"1500.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"1800.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"3000.000000000000" d=3D"-12.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"22000.000000000000" d=3D"-24.000000000000"/>
This may be too strong an effect but you can change the d=3D" settings.
Try this in <Effect-Equalization> and then <Efffect-Normalize to 3dB>
I've put the equalized file temporarily on:
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce