Audacity is about as easy as it gets with a gui.
Off of gui...
ffmpeg (although not particularly useful for audio)
On gui...
ardour2 (licensing got weird and not quite intuitive, but it does have VST =
support now, and other things.)
For editing I like audacity.=C2=A0 Sox has some useful-ness to do some anal=
ysis and semi-realtime EQ things.=C2=A0 Semi because it's command line and =
you have to type the command line.=C2=A0 And it has at least one known flaw=
that keeps me from using it to do actual editing beyond file format conver=
sions.=C2=A0 Ardour is great for recording, not so much for editing.=C2=A0 =
But it's supposed to have support for VST plugins and stuff like that now.=
=C2=A0 I just never found it intuitive to use, just normalizing was an adve=
nture in menu navigation.=C2=A0 And it's been a good while since I've used =
it, so it could be completely different.=C2=A0
By no means a comprohensive list.=C2=A0 The ccrma stuff at stanford keeps f=
air track of audio options.=C2=A0 to find stuff and other mea=
ns to an end.=C2=A0 If you've got some command line and/or programming skil=
ls, the sky's the limit.=C2=A0 Although probably not an efficient use of ti=
- James
--- On Sun, 10/31/10, Kenton Brede <> wrote: