Hi Emil,
Thanks for taking the time to redo these tests. It's good to confirm there=
is a reason for the discrepancy between Rob's max gain estimation of the D=
R680 and Raimund's test data.
On 30/08/2010, at 5:15 AM, emil klotzsch wrote:
> hi guys,
> i just looked at the nature recording group and realised theres a lot =
> of threads about my test.
> sorry, i did not read all, but i saw that a often question is if i had =
> the gain on the 680 settetd to high and the trim to max.
> to answer this in short: NO.
> the 680 has the gain setted to HIGH. (otherwise its very very NOISY)
> but the Trim is not touched. my mistake, sorry. its not robs fault.
> thats the reason why the 680 was less saturated than the 702.
> the long answer is, that i made this first test you heard where i did =
> not trim the gain cause i thought that the trim is just a digital trim.
> (i thought that i have read this anywhere..)
> rob infromed me that this is not the case. so i made a new test i
> though i sended him one or two days after the first test.
> well i did not. at least i can not find the email i could swear i have =
> sended him.
> pittily these test files are not fully existence anymore, i deleted
> the files from the 702.
> however, never mind, i now made a new one, just an hour ago, and
> sended it to rob.
> 4022 going into 680 and one 4022 going into the 702.
> gain on the 702 MAXED.
> gain on the 680 setted to High and trimmed MAX.
> i can reveal here one thing, the 680 is louder.
> sorry, i used the same clock, i don=B4t have another.
> after some time i removed the clock, so you should hear later, if rob =
> provides this, a pure roomtone.
> and in the test you all heared, there are two files cause i swapped
> the mics to exclude that one mic sounds too different from the other..
> hope this helps.
> all the best
> emil
> www.emilklotzsch.de
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