> When out I spend most of my time in a power wheelchair which has four ele=
ctric motors which are powered by two large 12 v batteries (car size). The=
re isn't a great deal of sound from the motors and I'm most concerned at an=
y possible electrical interference.
Hey, you've got a great power source for long-time recording along with you=
> Could someone please tell me if either of the two mentioned recorders wou=
ld have issues being used on my lap so close to the wheelchair electrics, i=
f the problems would be just when the chair is moving or if it would also b=
e a problem if I'm stopped but using the recorder so close to the batteries=
. Lastly if there is likely to be a problem would one recorder be better t=
han the other at coping with it or if perhaps there is anything I will be a=
ble to buy to resolve problems.
Both have balanced inputs, so really only experience with your mobility mac=
hinery would answer your question. Rent or borrow before purchasing. But it=
's rare that anyone does nature recording while moving, anyway.