Dear friends,
I have been a bit lax in posting sounds to the group this last couple of ye=
ars because I have been working on a project to build my own website with m=
y recordings. This has been a labour of love that has required much more ef=
fort than I originally expected and I am about a year behind where I though=
t I could be !
I now have it at a decent size, and have recently finished off one or two "=
niceties", so I'd like to invite you all to have a look at www.wildechoes.o=
rg and tell me what you think.
It will continue to grow and develop for some time yet, and still has many =
imperfections, so I welcome your feedback and advice either to me off line =
or directly on the feedback system I have built into it.
Four years ago I knew about birds but nothing at all about digital sound re=
cording and I owe a huge debt to the accumulated knowledge that this marvel=
ous group shares so openly. Some of you saw earlier pilots and gave me enco=
uragement, so thanks to you all. I hope if the site gives some pleasure and=
entertainment then that is part of my pay-back.