Some of what folks are positing makes sense to me conceptually, if we
had some blind tests to examine on our various playback systems, we
might determine what produces tangible differences across the board,
and what doesn't. [Note that if you use a file renaming app to give
the files gibberish names (save a screen shot for reference later),
you can participate in the blind test that you make and get
system-specific confidence.]
The larger formats people are proposing involve a 50%-300% increase
in long-term storage requirements. Aside from time and money, there
are material-ecological consequences.
I'll add a follow-up blind test if anyone goes first. :-) Rob D.
=3D =3D =3D =3D
At 7:52 AM -0700 5/19/10, Scott Fraser wrote:
><<There is definitely advantage to post-processing in 24bit, but not
>always an advantage to capturing in 24bit. It's easy enough to change
>a file 16bit -> 24bit in most editors and get the same advantages.>>
>While it's true there are very few circumstances in the real world
>which provide even a full 16 bit dynamic range I'm not sure adding 8
>extra empty bits at the bottom of the word for greater post processing
>resolution actually accomplishes anything. Current DAWs do their
>internal math at 32 bit floating point (or 48 bit fixed point in
>ProTools) so the extra empty bits are already being added within the
>DAW. When there is actual audio contained in the lowest 8 bits there
>will be an advantage when the numbers are rounded during any internal
>DAW processing, but I don't see how simply adding zeroes provides that
>same resolution benefit. Even though physics limits the maximum signal
>to noise ratio possible within any analog circuit preceding or
>following the AD-DA conversion to about the equivalent of 21 bits, I
>think I'd rather have the least significant 8 bits contain noise,
>since the ear/brain is capable of hearing coherent audio at a lower
>level than the uncorrelated noise.
>Scott Fraser