At 8:06 AM +0000 5/12/10, Raimund wrote:
>Jeremiah Moore wrote:
>> Just a thought - Is it possible it's a byte alignment issue causing the
>> compatibility issues?
>> Soundminer at one point - years ago by now - had a byte alignment issue=
>> had strange effects with some applications and no effects with other
>> applications. (i.e. some apps are picky about the RIFF chunks being on =
>> bytes or whatever it is.)
>> -jeremiah
>Hi Jeremiah,
>Yes, I agree that such a byte alignment issue could also be
>responsible for these effects. There are so many things that can go
>wrong in software...
Yes, this challenge concerns me. Obviously, if we encounter
fundamental discrepancies in the way basic metadata like
time-stamping is employed, it lowers the priority of using metadata
in any personal logging/database software that aiming for
universality. I suppose there could be an auxiliary conversion app to
change what one's recorder outputs to a "standard" we etsablish but
it would have to be free, cross-platform and easy for beginners to
use. How hard would it be, for example, to use BWAV editor to make
one of your recordings. Raimund, compatible with Reaper? (You don't
have to try, just curious about the degree of difficulty involved).
Rob D.