I've just acquired a Fostex FR-2LE so that I can begin to do some more rigo=
rous mic testing. I had a pair of NT-1As that I borrowed from a friend of m=
ine for several taping sessions out in the wild.
Although I have not yet had the chance to really listen to the fine details=
of all of my recordings, my initial impression of the NT-1As is that in so=
me cases they seem a bit brittle in the high end and thin at times, lacking=
low end response.
This does seem to depend on how they are deployed and what subject material=
s you are recording. For instance, I did not like them when used for record=
ing [4" foam barrier, capsules facing outward at 180 degrees] slow, rolling=
surf about 300 feet from the shore of Lake Michigan. In that case, I prefe=
rred the sound of a pair of CAD M37s (cardiod) which sounded more silky and=
had a better low end.
In another case, while recording the sound of insects in a prarie about 12 =
feet from the edge of a pond surrounded by bushes and grasses, it seemed to=
be fine.
So I really feel that *no* one mic will be satisfactory for all conditions/=
configurations and that in the end the "beauty is in the ear of the beholde=
r". I also wouldn't buy any mic based solely on opinion; I would have to tr=
y it out for several weeks under different conditions before shelling out m=
y hard earned dollars.
MIcs that I have used include the Shure WL183s (which I like very much when=
used in my foam-ball sphere mic), Oktatava MC-012s (both omni & cardiod ca=
psules - a versatile all-around mic set! Smooth sounding.), an Audio Techni=
ca AT-822 (used only for closer spot work - seem accurate in capturing what=
you hear, but noisy), two Audio Technica AT-815R shotguns (good for spotti=
ng but sensitive to wind even when moderately blimped) and my lowly Sony MS=
-907 mide-side electret (noisy, but a good sense of space in some instances=
and quick to deploy).
As much as I hate the idea of lugging a pair of large diaphram condenser mi=
cs out into the field with their bulky mounts & blimping (see John's NT-1A =
barrier rig - it won't fit easily into a backpack), I feel that I am migrat=
ing to that format for doing my best recording. In particular, I am looking=
for a pair of LDCs that offer the capability of of fully variable polar pa=
tterns so that I can try a variety of micing techniques, both with & withou=
t barriers. The NT-1As cannot do this, they fixed cardiods. Since I can't r=
eally afford a pair of Rode NT-2000s, I will probably go for a pair of CAD =
M179s based on my tests with the M37s which seemed warm to neutral to me.
Just my 2 centavos.
--- In "hartogj" <> wrote=
> Hi Marinos,
> "But I just don' t like their sound..... (for nature recordings..)"
> Sounds like you are comparing them to another mic that sounds better to y=
ou. What is that mic, and what are the differences you hear?
> John Hartog